Official journal of the Netherlands Ornithologists' Union


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Zwarts L., Hulscher J.B., Koopman K. & Zegers P.M. (1996) Body weight in relation to variation in body size of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A): 21-28
This paper analyses the relationships between body weight in the Oystercatcher and two measures of its body size, bill length and wing length. The weight variation between individuals due to differences in body size is nearly as large as the seasonal variation in body weight within individuals. Wing length is a better predictor of body weight than bill length. The difference in body weight between age classes mostly disappears if wing length is taken into account. In contrast, ~~ with similar wing length as ## are 20 g heavier. Carcass analysis showed that this difference is due to a higher fat loading in the ~~. The paper gives a method to standardize the body weight of the Oystercatcher.

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