Ardea Official journal of the Netherlands Ornithologists' Union |
MacGregor-Fors I., Vázquez L., Vega-Rivera J.H. & Schondube J.E. (2009) Non-exotic invasion of Great-tailed Grackles Quiscalus mexicanus in a tropical dry forest reserve. ARDEA 97 (3): 367-369 |
We report two recordings of Great-tailed Grackles Quiscalus mexicanus in the Chamela Biosphere Reserve, which is an important conservation area for pristine tropical dry forests in West Mexico. These recordings are important for three main reasons: (1) they reveal the recent encroachment of the reserve by human-disturbed areas; (2) the recorded grackles fought with West Mexican Chachalacas Ortalis poliocephala, and won, underlining their possible negative effects towards other native bird species; and (3) if Great-tailed Grackles successfully invade the conservation area, it could turn into an unmanageable scenario with possible negative consequences within an important area for bird conservation in the dry tropics. |