Ardea Official journal of the Netherlands Ornithologists' Union |
de Vries P.G. (1966) De vogelkolonies van Coppenamepunt, Suriname. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 1-13 |
The author reports on his visit to the region of Coppenamepunt in Surinam, South America, during the period of 16-19 June 1965. In this area, which enjoys protection by the Surinam Government from 1953 onwards, an important heronry named Fowroe Nesi, including various species, and a mixed colony, named Bigi Fowroe Nesi of Scarlet Ibis and even more heron species exist in mangrove forest along the Atlantic Coast. After a general description of the environment a review is given of the protective legislation, followed by remarks on former exploration and on the author's visit. The author records his observations of some 15 estuarine birds other than herons and Ibises, e.g. Pelecanus occidentalis, Fregata magnificens, Rynchops nigra and a few migrants, and continues with a fairly detailed description of the mixed colony of Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber), Tricoloured Heron (Hydranassa tricolor tricolor), Little Blue Heron (Florida caerulea), Snowy and American Egret (Egretta thula thula et E. alba egretta), Yellow-crowned Night Heron (Nyctanassa violacea cqyennensis) and Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax hoactli), giving particulars on nesting, differences in eggs, nestlings and adult behaviour of the various species as far as these could be observed during his short stay. The paper is concluded by a critical examination of the extent to which the present protective legislation concerning this area is adjusted to the actual situation. As a result of this some simple, practical and economically justified measures are suggested (e.g. regular inspection during the breeding season by officials of the Surinam Government Forest Service) which seem necessary to safeguard this colony of unsurpassed splendour against expected dangers in the future. |