Ardea Official journal of the Netherlands Ornithologists' Union |
Dekhuijzen-Maasland J.M., Stel H. & Hoogers B.J. (1962) Waarnemingen over de Draaihals, Jynx torquilla L. ARDEA 50 (3-4): 162-170 |
Observations are described of ten breeding attempts of the Wryneck Jynx torquilla) in nesting boxes hanging alongside sandy roads running east-west in open woods near Ede and of one nest in a beech tree near Wageningen during the years 1958, 1959 and 1960. Our observations on behaviour of parent-birds and young are in agreement with those of other authors (Wolda, 1912, 1915; Bussmann, 1941; Sutter, 1941). One of us observed a Wryneck driving away a weasel that climbed the tree containing its nesting box with young. Attention was paid to the well known fact that the Wryneck is a disturber of nests of other birds. Wolda (1915) reported tits and Redstarts to be the main victims of Wrynecks looking for suitable nesting holes. In the surroundings of Ede Wrynecks disturbed the nests of several bird species by emptying the nesting boxes. We often found the eggs laying on the ground below the box afterwards. These eggs were not pecked ~t or bitten as they would have been when a Jay or a squirrel had been the cause. In 1958 two Wryneck pairs disturbed 6 and 4 nests in nesting boxes, respectively. They1ater occupied 2 nesting boxes in these regions. On a third place, where no nest of a Wryneck was found, 4 clutches in nesting boxes were disturbed during the second half of May. In 1960 a Wryneck did occupy a nesting box in this third region. In the first case the disturbed nests were: 3 clutches of the, Great Tit, 2 clutches of the Redstart and 1 unidentified nest: In the second case: 2 clutches of the Great Tit, 1 clutch of the Redstart and 1 clutch of the Blue Tit. In the third case: 2 clutches of the Great Tit, 1 clutch of the Redstart and 1 clutch of the Starling. In 1959 one nesting box with young of the Redstart was emptied by a Wryneck which later occupied this same box. No other nests were disturbed in this year near the 4 places where we found Wrynecks breeding. In 1960 6 clutches were disturbed near one nesting box, which subsequently was used by a Wryneck for its own brood. Two of these clutches were of Great Tits and three of Redstarts (all of them in nesting boxes); one was of the Great Spotted Woodpecker (in a hole of a birch). Summarizing, in these 3 years of observation 5 Wryneck pairs disturbed: 9 clutches of the Great Tit (Parus mqjor) 7 clutches and 1 nest with young of the Redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) 1 clutch of the Blue Tit (Parus caeruleus) 1 clutch of the Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) 1 clutch of the Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos mqjor). We measured the distances of disturbed nests to nesting boxes later occupied by Wrynecks. In the following synopsis the letters A, B, D and E indicate the place of the nesting box used by a Wryneck for its own brood. Nests were disturbed: 1958 - nest A: along a stretch of 590 m, between 390 m west and 200 m east of the nest. nest B: along a stretch of 780 m, between 490 m west and 290 m east of the nest. nest not found: along a stretch of 460 m. 1959 - nest D: its own nesting box only. 1960 - nest E: along a stretch of 570 m, from its own nesting box to 570 m east. Wederom een vermoedelijke bastaard van Kleine Mantelmeeuw en Zilvermeeuw in Nederland. Op 15 juni 1962 vond de heer G. Bosch op de Makkumerwaard, FryslGn' een dode Kleine Mantelmeeuw met donker vleeskleurige, in plaats van oranjegele poten. Wel waren er hier en daar gele vlekjes op het loopbeen en waren de zwemvliezen bleek geel gekleurd. De vogel komt in de donkergrijze tint van de mantel overeen met de lichtere kleurtypen van de in Nederland broedende Kleine Mantelmeeuwen van de vorm L. fuscus graellsii. Hij is in mantelkleur, slagpenpatroon, pootkleur en afmetingen vrijwel niet te onderscheiden van een bastaard van Zilvermeeuw en Kleine Mantelmeeuw (L. f intermedius) afkomstig van een Zilvermeeuwenkolonie in Denemarken (Hyllekrog, Laaland; Hansen 1960). Van de Friese vogel wordt daarom vermoed, dat hij een uit Denemarken afkomstige bastaard van L. argentatus argentatus en L. fuscus intermedius is. |