Ardea Official journal of the Netherlands Ornithologists' Union |
Rooth J. (1971) The occurence of the Greylag Goose Anser anser in the western part of its distribution area. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 17-27 |
A survey is given of the distribution of Anser anser in the western part of its distribution area. In as many cases as possible estimated numbers are given of the breeding birds in the countries west of the Soviet Union. The number of breeding birds in the Soviet Union is decreasing due to reclamations; in 1967-68 the breeding population numbered 50,000-60,000 pairs. Information on the numbers in the winter quarters and in some passage areas have been collected also. The Islandic-Scottish population was estimated at about 60,000 birds. The NW European population amounts to roughly 30,000 birds. The Central European population, which winters mostly in Northern Africa, numbers some thousands of birds. The populations wintering in Romania, Greece and Turkey number ca 10,000 birds, while in Iran and Iraq there are tens of thousands of Greylags during the winter, these populations originating from the western and the central parts of the Soviet Union respectively. |